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Employment Readiness, Training, Coaching & Supported Employment:
Employment Readiness and Supported Employment is an alternative to traditional sheltered and competitive employment approaches. It is an attempt to meet the specific needs of individuals with severe disabilities and is based on the assumption that all individuals, regardless of the nature or extent of their disabilities, should have the opportunity and support to work in the community. There are no pre-requisite skills needed for community job success. The task, therefore, is not to identify and place “work ready” individuals, but rather to locate and/or modify meaningful jobs in the community and provide training and supports at the job site.

Individual-Supported Employment​
Individual Supported Employment services are a part of an individual’s pathway to employment and are tailored to individual needs, interests, abilities, and promote career development.
These are individualized services necessary to help persons with developmental disabilities get and continue integrated employment at or above the state’s minimum wage in the general workforce.
These services may include intake, discovery, assessment, job preparation, job marketing, job supports, record keeping and support to maintain a job.

Individualized Technical Assistance​
Individualized Technical Assistance services provide assessment and consultation to the employer, client and their support system to identify and address existing barriers to employment or community inclusion.
This service provides assessment and consultation to the employment provider to identify and address existing barriers to employment or community inclusion.
This is in addition to supports received through supported employment or community inclusion services for individuals who have not yet achieved their employment or community inclusion goal.

Group Supported Employment​
Group Supported Employment services are a part of an individual’s pathway to integrated jobs in typical community employment. These services are intended to be short-term and:
Include the elements outlined in Individual Supported Employment
Offer ongoing supervised employment for groups of no more than eight workers with disabilities in the same setting
Service outcome is sustained paid employment leading to further career development in integrated employment at or above minimum wage.
Examples include work crews and other business models employing small groups of workers with disabilities in integrated employment in community settings.

Day Activity Programs​
Designed to help build meaningful relationships and gain self-confidence, day programs offer adults the tools and opportunities to foster personal growth.
Of the many positive outcomes of Adult Day Programs and Services, some of the stand-out benefits include the development of real-world skills, recreational activities, creating personal schedules, and volunteering in the community, adults with disabilities have the opportunity to grow their confidence and knowledge in new facets.
Another important facet of Day Activity Program include community engagement, in the form of volunteering, connecting with businesses, and socializing with others. Oftentimes, there are many resources available in the community for individuals with disabilities that they may have not known about prior to exploring. Allowing adults to go out of their comfort zone in a safe manner is key to helping them build independence.
Attending day programs with peers is like having a built-in group of friends as not only are participants surrounded by a supportive group of like-minded individuals, but these newfound friends are able to bond over similar interests, differing abilities, and ways in which they can help each other grow. Day programs give participants the opportunity to try new things. From playing sports to making art, there’s an activity for everyone to enjoy.
Of course, safety and support is of the utmost importance. Adult day services provide a safe environment for individuals to learn, grow, and be themselves. Adults with disabilities are able to appropriately explore their interests and talents with support by their side.
The program also includes Community Inclusion services that are individualized services provided in a community settings. This can include:
Provide opportunities to learn, practice and apply skills that promote greater independence and inclusion.
Assist individuals to participate in integrated activities, events and organizations in the local community in ways similar to others of similar age.
Provide opportunities to develop relationships and to learn, practice and apply skills that result in greater independence and community inclusion.